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Awards in the field of scientific research and technological innovation

Il MAECI anche quest'anno promuove tre premi dedicati a figure che si siano distinte nell'ambito della ricerca scientifica e/o dell'innovazione tecnologica:
- Italian bilateral scientific cooperation award, riservato quest'anno a ricercatori italiani senior, residenti all'estero (nel nostro caso negli USA) almeno dal 1/1/2020;
- L'innovazione che parla italiano, riservato a cittadini italiani, che abbiano fondato da massimo 5 anni una start-up tecnologica che operi all'estero (nel nostro caso gli USA);
- Science, She Says, riservato a 5 ricercatrici di età massima 40 anni, una per macroregione (Africa & Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Central and South America and the Caribbean, North America) residenti all'estero almeno dal 1/1/2023.

Le candidature si devono inoltrare all' indirizzo e-mail (, gestito dall'Ambasciata.

Si allega pertanto, per ciascun premio, il bando completo in pdf e la "Nomination Form/Modulo candidatura" in word per agevolarne la
compilazione. La scadenza dei bandi è stata
fissata al 26 gennaio 2025.

PMI DAY USA - Dallas, Texas
Nov. 25, 2024

Quindicesima Giornata Nazionale delle Piccole e Medie Imprese Italiane - PMI DAY 2024 in U.S. - info e ringraziamenti

Gentili Signore, Egregi Signori, 


il PMI DAY giunge alla sua quindicesima edizione e prosegue con numeri sempre in crescita. Al via oggi la Giornata Nazionale delle Piccole e Medie Imprese, organizzata da Piccola Industria Confindustria insieme alle associazioni del Sistema, con una serie di iniziative messe in campo in tutte le regioni italiane, programmate anche in altre date. 1250 le imprese coinvolte, circa 700 le scuole medie e superiori e oltre 50mila i partecipanti. In campo tutte le Associazioni territoriali del Sistema che hanno aderito all’iniziativa insieme a Federchimica e Assosistema.   

L’attenzione rimane puntata sull’impegno delle imprese nel raccontarsi ai giovani attraverso incontri e visite guidate in azienda che coinvolgono, oltre agli studenti, anche insegnanti, famiglie, istituzioni locali e stampa. Un appuntamento fisso in cui le imprese riaffermano il loro ruolo di attore sociale sul territorio e lanciano ancora una volta l’allarme sull’enorme gap di competenze e figure professionali tecnico-scientifiche che affligge il Paese. Dal 2010, anno di nascita della manifestazione, le Pmi di Confindustria hanno aperto le loro porte complessivamente a più di 550mila ragazzi. L’iniziativa, curata da Claudia Sartirani, coordinatore nazionale del Pmi Day Piccola Industria, con il supporto di un gruppo di lavoro dedicato, è inserita nella XXIII Settimana della Cultura d’impresa, organizzata da Confindustria e nella Settimana Europea delle Pmi promossa dalla Commissione Europea.
L’edizione 2024 ha come focus “Costruire”. Costruire consapevolezza delle proprie aspirazioni e delle opportunità per realizzarle. Costruire sapere per affrontare con le giuste competenze e con fiducia il lavoro di oggi e quello di domani. Costruire innovazione ponendo i nuovi strumenti digitali e l’intelligenza artificiale al servizio di creatività, immaginazione e conoscenza. Costruire il dialogo e lo scambio tra culture e popoli diversi e relazioni positive nella scuola, nella professione e nella società. Costruire nuove opportunità di business per crescere come impresa e per contribuire sempre di più allo sviluppo economico e sociale dei territori e del Paese. Costruire sostenibilità pensando al benessere delle generazioni future e nuove competenze per gestire il cambiamento, valorizzando capacità innovativa e punti di forza del saper fare italiano. 
A partire dal 2021 la manifestazione ha ottenuto il patrocinio del Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito e della Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome. Da anni, inoltre, prosegue la partnership con Confagricoltura in alcuni territori - Alessandria, Asti, Bergamo, Brescia, Latina e Taranto - per raccontare la realtà dell’impresa anche nel settore agricolo. 
L’impronta internazionale della manifestazione è confermata, per il settimo anno consecutivo, dal patrocinio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale. Dal 2015, infatti, il PMI day si svolge anche all’estero, per il secondo anno in Brasile in collaborazione con il Consolato Generale d’Italia a San Paolo, e in particolare negli USA dove la Miami Scientific Italian Community ha organizzato una serie di iniziative in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington D.C. e la sua Rete Diplomatica Consolare, ABROAD TO - The Community of Italian Companies, la California Scientific Italian Community, ODLI -  Organization for the Development of Italian Studies e la Texas Scientific Italian Community. Confermata anche per questa edizione la collaborazione con le rappresentanze internazionali di Confindustria Albania, Bulgaria e Serbia.


Vincenzo Arcobelli Rappresentante del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’estero ed il Sottosegretario delle Imprese e del Made In Italy Fausta Bergamotto porteranno il loro saluto dall’evento di Dallas ed ai Vostri autorevoli interventi di apertura e alle numerose aziende italiane, seguiranno le testimonianze dei miei Colleghi di Confindustria, Teresa Caradonna, Caradonna Logistic e Vice Presidente Nazionale Piccola Industria, in Texas. Stefano Zapponini Guida Monaci e Claudio Novebaci Star Italia Accelerator, da Miami.


La partecipazione delle PMI italiane operanti negli Stati Uniti avrà una finestra temporale che va dal 22 di novembre al 7 di gennaio. Il numero degli studenti varia significativamente da un minimo di 18 a un massimo di 40 per evento. Ancora bene i field trip presso le aziende cosi come la presenza degli imprenditori presso le scuole ed i collegamenti tramite le piattaforme.


A voi tutti, la mia più sincera gratitudine.


Un caro saluto e buon PMI DAY in U.S.


​Fabio De Furia
Presidente MSIC

A Miami gli Stati Generali delle Associazioni dei Ricercatori Italiani all’estero: 

“L’Italia chiama”

Sabato, 28 Settembre, 2024


Il 28 Settembre 2024 si terranno a Miami, in Florida-USA, gli Stati Generali delle Associazioni dei Ricercatori Italiani all’Estero, un momento emozionante della vita associativa di tutte le Associazioni dei Ricercatori Italiani all’estero che lavoreranno, unite, per rendere l’Italia ancora più competitiva. Insieme, saranno tracciati percorsi e progetti di crescita, fornendo il proprio punto di vista per il sostegno della Ricerca Italiana all’estero e sarà un’occasione di confronto per tutti gli addetti ai lavori, pubblici e privati.


Le Associazioni dei Ricercatori Italiani all’Estero promuovono da sempre, la collaborazione con Enti e Istituzioni straniere al fine di far partecipare le Università e i Centri di Ricerca Italiani ai programmi di ricerca e alle attività dei principali organismi internazionali che operano in ambito scientifico e tecnologico, fornendo, altresì, competenze e conoscenze per la definizione di standard tecnici.


Gli Stati Generali saranno un’occasione per tutte le Associazioni dei Ricercatori Italiani all’Estero di partecipare a una giornata di mobilitazione generale davvero importante, volta ad ascoltare i vari rappresentanti dei ricercatori italiani all’estero e a contribuire all’elaborazione di un percorso e di un progetto da proporre al Governo Italiano per l’attivazione di nuove e proficue sinergie.


L'unico intervento in programma sarà quello del Prof. Luigi Nicolais, la cui intramontabile passione e il riconosciuto prestigio scientifico e intellettuale ne fanno uno degli scienziati italiani più citati al mondo.


È necessaria una partnership sicura, un miglioramento delle modalità di promozione dei brevetti, il coinvolgimento nelle opportunità dei finanziamenti europei e internazionali e la creazione di una struttura all’estero che sia al servizio anche delle PMI tecnologicamente avanzate.


Le sessioni dedicate ai cinque Gruppi di lavoro saranno ricche di emozioni per la discussione di idee e soluzioni concrete su aree di interesse per le Associazioni.


Le associazioni condurranno un’analisi socioeconomica territoriale per fornire dati utili al posizionamento e al benchmarking. Sulla base di questa fotografia socioeconomica, i partecipanti agli Stati Generali lavoreranno in gruppi sui seguenti temi:

Tabella 1: Cluster e le specializzazioni attuali e previste del territorio
Tabella 2: Rafforzare l’ecosistema italiano dell’innovazione
Tabella 3: Formazione dei giovani talenti
Tabella 4: Competitività economica e progresso sociale: sfide e connessioni
Tabella 5: Attività Europee


Confermate le presenze delle Statunitensi California e Texas Scientific Italian Communities, AAIIC - Association of ItalianAcademics in China, AIRJ - Association of Italian Researchers in Japan, AIS3 Association of Italian and Serbian Scientists and Scholars, AIS-UK Association of Italian Researchers in the UK, AISSI - Association of Italian Scholars and Scientists in Israel, ARI@CH - Associazione ricercatrici e ricercatori italiani in Svizzera , ARIA - Associazione di Ricercatori Italiani in Australasia, ARIM - Associazione Ricercatori Italiani in Messico, ARSID - Associazione Ricercatori e Scienziati Italiani in Danimarca, Forum Accademico Italiano in Germania, RéCIF - Réseau des Chercheurs Italiens en France


In Miami the Stati Generali of the Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad: “Italy Calls”

Saturday, September 28th, 2024,

starting at 8.30 ET Miami FL


On September 28, 2024, the States General of the Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad will be held in Miami, Florida-USA, an exciting moment in the associative life of all the Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad who will work, united, to make Italy even more competitive. Together, paths and projects for growth will be mapped out, providing their point of view for the support of Italian Research abroad, and it will be an opportunity for all those in the field, public and private, to exchange views.


Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad promote collaboration with foreign organizations and institutions in order to have Italian universities and research centers participate in the research programs and activities of major international bodies working in science and technology, providing expertise and knowledge for the definition of technical standards.


The Stati Generali are an opportunity for all associations of Italian researchers abroad to participate in a truly important day of general mobilization aimed at listening to the various representatives of Italian researchers abroad and contributing to the development of a path and project to be proposed to the Italian government.


Prof. Luigi Nicolais, whose eternal zeal and recognized scientific and intellectual reputation have made him one of the world's most quoted Italian scientists, will deliver the single talk scheduled.

There is a need for secure partnerships, improved ways of promoting patents, involvement in European and international funding opportunities, and the creation of a structure abroad that also serves technologically advanced SMEs.


The sessions dedicated to the five Working Groups will be full of excitement as they discuss ideas and concrete solutions on areas of concern to the Associations.


The associations will conduct a territorial socioeconomic analysis to give useful positioning and benchmarking data. Based on this socioeconomic snapshot, participants at the States General will work in groups on the following topics:

Table 1: Clusters and the current and planned specializations of the area
Table 2: Strengthening the Italian Innovation Ecosystem
Table 3: Training Young Talents
Table 4: Economic Competitiveness and Social Progress: Challenges and Connections
Table 5: Eu Activities

Confirmed presences by the U.S. based California and Texas Scientific Italian Communities, AAIIC - Association of Italian Academics in China, AIRJ - Association of Italian Researchers in Japan, AIS3 Association of Italian and Serbian Scientists and Scholars, AIS-UK Association of Italian Researchers in the UK, AISSI - Association of Italian Scholars and Scientists in Israel, ARI@CH - Associazione ricercatrici e ricercatori italiani in Svizzera , ARIA - Associazione di Ricercatori Italiani in Australasia, ARIM - Associazione Ricercatori Italiani in Messico, ARSID - Associazione Ricercatori e Scienziati Italiani in Danimarca, Forum Accademico Italiano in Germania, RéCIF - Réseau des Chercheurs Italiens en France


Webinar on AI - Funding Research Opportunity

Texas Scientific Italian Community in cooperation with the Center Studies International Economic on European Funds, is organizing under the Auspices of the Consulate General of Italy in Houston, a Webinar on BILATERAL EUROPEAN FUND ITALY - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Tuesday May 28th starting at 12:00 CST AND ENDING AT 13:00( 19-20:00 Roma Time). Meeting coordinate: 

MJoin the meeting now           

Meeting ID: 224 589 934 207  

Passcode: TfAooX

The webinar aims to inform the audience about the opportunity for funding research projects in AI.

The bilateral agreement between the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the USA, allows joint projects between the two countries. The Ministry of Universities and Research has allocated about €1,000,000 for the initiative. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Distinguished Speaker Santi Tomaselli, at the end of his presentation. 
Prof. Santi Tomaselli, is the president of the Center Studies International Economic on European Funds. He has a degree in Economics, he received the International Prize of Carthage, the International Levi Prize 2020/2021, and the International Prize at the Bocconi University of Milan recognizing the high profile of his scientific studies on the efficient use of European Funds.

He is a member of the SIE (Society of Italian Economist), a prestigious and oldest Italian Economist Academy.

Feel free to join us.


Organizing Committee

XVIII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World -
Call for Abstracts 2024

Call for Abstracts 2024-1.jpg

“Stati Generali: l’Italia chiama”. Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad

Saturday, September 28th, 2024, starting at 8.30 ET Miami FL

Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad promote collaboration with foreign organizations and institutions in order to have Italian universities and research centers participate in the research programs and activities of major international bodies working in science and technology, providing expertise and knowledge for the definition of technical standards.

The Stati Generali are an opportunity for all associations of Italian researchers abroad to participate in a truly important day of general mobilization aimed at listening to the various representatives of Italian researchers abroad and contributing to the development of a path and project to be proposed to the Italian government.

It will be an exciting time in the life of the association, in which we will work together to make Italy even more competitive. Together we will chart paths and projects for growth, we will give our point of view for the support of Italian Research abroad, and it will be an opportunity for all of us to compare notes.

The sessions dedicated to the five Working Groups will be full of excitement as they discuss ideas and concrete solutions on areas of concern to the Associations.

There is a need for a secure partnership, improved patent promotion methods, involvement in European and international funding opportunities, and the establishment of an overseas facility that also serves technologically advanced SMEs.

The associations will conduct a territorial socioeconomic analysis to give useful positioning and benchmarking data. Based on this socioeconomic snapshot, participants at the States General will work in groups on the following topics:

Table 1: Clusters and the current and planned specializations of the area
Table 2: Strengthening the Italian Innovation Ecosystem
Table 3: Training Young Talents
Table 4: Economic Competitiveness and Social Progress: Challenges and Connections
Table 5: Eu Activities


Le Associazioni dei Ricercatori Italiani all’Estero promuovono la collaborazione con enti e istituzioni straniere al fine di far partecipare le università e i centri di ricerca italiani ai programmi di ricerca e alle attività dei principali organismi internazionali che operano in ambito scientifico e tecnologico, fornendo competenze e conoscenze per la definizione di standard tecnici.

Gli Stati Generali sono un’occasione per tutte le associazioni dei ricercatori italiani all’estero di partecipare a una giornata di mobilitazione generale davvero importante, volta ad ascoltare i vari rappresentanti dei ricercatori italiani all’estero e a contribuire all’elaborazione di un percorso e di un progetto da proporre al Governo Italiano.

Sarà un momento emozionante della vita associativa, in cui lavoreremo insieme per rendere l’Italia ancora più competitiva. Insieme tracceremo percorsi e progetti di crescita, daremo il nostro punto di vista per il sostegno della Ricerca italiana all’estero e sarà un’occasione di confronto per tutti noi.

Le sessioni dedicate ai cinque Gruppi di lavoro saranno ricche di emozioni per la discussione di idee e soluzioni concrete su aree di interesse per le Associazioni.

È necessaria una partnership sicura, un miglioramento delle modalità di promozione dei brevetti, il coinvolgimento nelle opportunità di finanziamento europee e internazionali e la creazione di una struttura all’estero che sia al servizio anche delle PMI tecnologicamente avanzate.

Le associazioni condurranno un’analisi socioeconomica territoriale per fornire dati utili al posizionamento e al benchmarking. Sulla base di questa fotografia socioeconomica, i partecipanti agli Stati Generali lavoreranno in gruppi sui seguenti temi:

Tabella 1: Cluster e le specializzazioni attuali e previste del territorio
Tabella 2: Rafforzare l’ecosistema italiano dell’innovazione
Tabella 3: Formazione dei giovani talenti
Tabella 4: Competitività economica e progresso sociale: sfide e connessioni
Tabella 5: Attività Europee

XVII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World


Piccola Industria, the Organization of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) aimed to promote the development and growth of SMEs, organizes the National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises – PMI DAY every year since 2010. This is an open day for Confindustria SMEs, focused on students and teachers. Its goal is to tell the new generations about the business world, its values, and the opportunities it could offer through guided tours inside the companies.


During this day, young people have the opportunity to visit a Italian company, to learn through directly from the entrepreneurs about its history and objectives, to see closely how the business is carried out. These tours take place all over U.S. and involve hundreds of companies and thousands of students accompanied by their teachers. Tours are also open to the participation of local administrators and journalists.


Even this year, Miami Scientific Italian Community, in collaboration with The Embassy of Italy in Washington DC, ABROAD TO the Community of Italian Companies, California Scientific Italian Community, ODLI the Organization for the Development of Italian Studies, Retimpresa the Italian Agency of Confindustria for Business Network and Aggregations and Texas Scientific Italian Community, has been charged to organizing and selecting partners for Confindustria PMI DAY in the United States.


The next edition will be held on November 18th, as customarily coinciding with Confindustria Business Culture Week. The initiative is included in the European SMEs Week promoted by the European Commission.

La XV Conferenza dei Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo
Continuitá nel promuovere la ricerca ed i Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo

XV Conference of Italian Researchers in the world. 

Saturday 12th December 


The XV Conference of Italian Researchers in the World is only a few days away and we can't be more excited to see so many interesting topics, in different fields of science, technology, medicine, and humanities, with outstanding speakers and moderators, as well as several important endorsements and auspices received for the event organized by the Texas Scientific Italian Community in collaboration with Rice University. 


The speakers will be connected via the zoom platform to the event, while the wider audience will follow the event in real-time on our TSIC Facebook page, where the event will be streamed in real-time, starting at 08:30 am CST (Houston Time), Saturday the 12th of December.


To see the program click here

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Di recente si sono aperte le iscrizioni per aderire all’Associazione non a scopo di lucro: Comunità Scientifica Italiana in Texas, (TSIC) Texas Scientific Italian Community. Si potrà visionare il link membership.


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Embassy of Italy Washington.jpg



Call for Abstracts


The Texas Scientific Italian Community (TSIC), in collaboration with Rice University, invite you to submit an abstract to the 15th Conference of Italian Researchers in the World that will be held online, on:


December 12, 2020


Registered participants will receive a zoom link, and the Conference will also be broadcasted live on the TSIC Facebook page.


Because of the unusual format, oral presentations will be by invitation only, however, abstracts will be published on the TSIC website in an electronic Conference Proceedings booklet.


Abstracts are invited from Italian researchers working abroad in different fields of science, technology, law, medicine and humanities.  The Organizing Committee also welcomes researchers from all countries working on topics related to Italy to submit an abstract and to attend the live Conference.


Please send your abstract and a short biography to:


Deadline for submissions is November 30, 2020


Abstracts, inclusive of research summary and biography, should be limited to one printed page not to exceed 400 words and should be in docx format. Please feel free to submit an abstract even if you will not be able to attend the live Conference. The official language of the meeting is English. 

For further information, please visit the webpages of the TSIC, Inquiries about logistics should be sent to

We look forward to your participation in this event and want to thank you for your help in the continued success of the Conference.


Best Regards,  


Organizing Committee


15th Conference of Italian Researchers in the World

PMI DAY USA - Dallas, Texas
Nov. 25, 2024

Webinar on AI - Funding Research Opportunity

Texas Scientific Italian Community in cooperation with the Center Studies International Economic on European Funds, is organizing under the Auspices of the Consulate General of Italy in Houston, a Webinar on BILATERAL EUROPEAN FUND ITALY - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Tuesday May 28th starting at 12:00 CST AND ENDING AT 13:00( 19-20:00 Roma Time). Meeting coordinate: 

MJoin the meeting now           

Meeting ID: 224 589 934 207  

Passcode: TfAooX

The webinar aims to inform the audience about the opportunity for funding research projects in AI.

The bilateral agreement between the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the USA, allows joint projects between the two countries. The Ministry of Universities and Research has allocated about €1,000,000 for the initiative. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Distinguished Speaker Santi Tomaselli, at the end of his presentation. 
Prof. Santi Tomaselli, is the president of the Center Studies International Economic on European Funds. He has a degree in Economics, he received the International Prize of Carthage, the International Levi Prize 2020/2021, and the International Prize at the Bocconi University of Milan recognizing the high profile of his scientific studies on the efficient use of European Funds.

He is a member of the SIE (Society of Italian Economist), a prestigious and oldest Italian Economist Academy.

Feel free to join us.


Organizing Committee

XVIII Conference Program

XVIII Conference Program Picture 1.jpg

XVIII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World -
Call for Abstracts 2024

Call for Abstracts 2024-1.jpg


The Texas Scientific Italian Community is proud to announce a webinar on the fascinating topic of light and photoreceptors and their ability to regulate a variety of vital mechanisms allowing for the survival of simple and complex organisms. The webinar is open to the public and will be held on Feb 17th by Dr. Lorenzo Brancaleon, professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Texas at San Antonio.  Details are provided below and click here to connect via zoom.

Piccola Industria, the Organization of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) aimed to promote the development and growth of SMEs, organizes the National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises – PMI DAY every year since 2010. This is an open day for Confindustria SMEs, focused on students and teachers. Its goal is to tell the new generations about the business world, its values, and the opportunities it could offer through guided tours inside the companies.


During this day, young people have the opportunity to visit a Italian company, to learn through directly from the entrepreneurs about its history and objectives, to see closely how the business is carried out. These tours take place all over U.S. and involve hundreds of companies and thousands of students accompanied by their teachers. Tours are also open to the participation of local administrators and journalists.


Even this year, Miami Scientific Italian Community, in collaboration with The Embassy of Italy in Washington DC, ABROAD TO the Community of Italian Companies, California Scientific Italian Community, ODLI the Organization for the Development of Italian Studies, Retimpresa the Italian Agency of Confindustria for Business Network and Aggregations and Texas Scientific Italian Community, has been charged to organizing and selecting partners for Confindustria PMI DAY in the United States.


The next edition will be held on November 18th, as customarily coinciding with Confindustria Business Culture Week. The initiative is included in the European SMEs Week promoted by the European Commission.

Conversation with Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi - Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

The Eleventh day of small and medium-siz

PMI DAY 2020 in U.S.


Piccola Industria, the Organization of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) aimed to promote the development and growth of SMEs, organizes the National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises – PMI DAY every year since 2010.

This is an open day for Confindustria SMEs, focused on students and teachers. Its goal is to tell the new generations about the business world, its values, and the opportunities it could offer through guided tours inside the companies.

During this day, young people have the opportunity to visit an Italian company, to learn directly from the entrepreneurs about its history and objectives, to see closely how the business is carried out.

Thanks to organizational support of local Italian Researcher Associations, these tours take place all over the U.S. and involve hundreds of Italian companies and thousands of students accompanied by their teachers. Tours are also open to the participation of local administrators and journalists.

Even this year, Miami Scientific Italian Community in collaboration with The Embassy of Italy in Washington DC, ABROAD TO (The Community of Italian Companies), MAYAC, ODLI (The Organization for the Development of Italian Studies), Orgoglio Brescia and Texas Scientific Italian Community, has been charged to organizing and selecting partners for Confindustria PMI DAY in the United States.

The initiative is also included in the European SMEs Week promoted by the European Commission and has received the endorsement of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy

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Announcement - XV Conference Italian Researchers in the World has been postponed. 

We regret to inform you that in the aftermath of the emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19 the XV Conference of the Italian Researchers in the World, planned for April 25th, 2020, has been postponed to a future date.

The Texas Scientific Italian Community has embraced the decision of Rice University to cancel any events that would take place on campus until April 30th at the least.

We are monitoring the situation and will reschedule the event based on future developments.  


Organizing Committee 

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Texas Scientific

Italian Community

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